Lidia Bonilla:
Pleasure Strategist
You can gain the power to create the love and pleasure you deserve.
Rediscover your power.
Learn how taking care of yourself first can be the most selfless thing you can do.
I made pleasure a habit and you can too.
No, I don’t sit around all day fanning myself and eating grapes. I slow down, even if it’s for a few minutes, to do something for my pure enjoyment - masturbating, coloring, going for a walk. It’s different than taking a break because I earned it. It’s honoring what I think the purpose of life is: to enjoy it!

Create intimacy and raw authenticity in your closest relationships.
In The Pleasure Reset I teach you how to create a life of your own design by working less and manifesting more.
“After sharing with my new partner, as Lidia had coached me to do, I now see how having transparency allows for a kind of space of genuine communication that I haven't had in my previous relationships at such an early stage.”
– Laurie H.