You know how to get results.
You have done the work, earned the degrees and gotten funded. You are ‘impressive.’
But is your life starting to look like a mirage?
You lose yourself in being busy.
And, you ARE busy.
Your career, your family and friends, volunteering.
It’s all important work. You are the glue that holds your communities together.
But, you need a cheat sheet to decipher your calendar. You are over-caffeinated and over-committed.
At 2 am in the dark, you ask yourself, ‘Wasn’t I supposed to have everything I wanted by now?
Why am I not getting this?
On the weekends, you want to download your week with your partner.
You have read the books, consumed all the free content you can finding the One and how you can hack yourself to fulfillment and pleasure.
“Still no answer,’ you toss your phone in frustration.
You are an inspiring bad-ass.
You do not need fixing. What you need, is a reset.
Imagine being in love with your whole life.
Why stop at getting the guy?
You can love being ambitious.
You can love money.
You can declare your desires and artfully get your needs met.
You can love to fuck.
You can learn to radically love yourself.
You can live a pleasure centered life.
You can have a relationship of your own design.
The Pleasure Reset is Your Path to Power
Unblock your heart from past hurts.
Discover why you are attracting the same unfulfilling relationship.
Get clarity on what you truly want. You will have the confidence and trust in yourself to boldly ask for you what you want and get it.
Heal your heart. Heal your life.
Release the weight of past hurts to reveal a vibrant and confident you. Become that magnetic woman that electrifies a room. Create love in everything around you - your career, your family, close relationships.
Trust yourself and open your heart.
Together we will:
Build the foundation.
Together we will take stock of your life to expand your consciousness of gratitude for what you already have. We will unpack the lie you are insufficient and examine its impact.
Release the past.
You will gain awareness of the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and feeling inadequate. You will uncover the unconscious limiting beliefs driving your life. Get power of your love story by getting to the root of your relationship patterns. Re-frame your most important relationships of your life so your experience propels you forward.
Tap in your desires.
After you shed the weight of the past, get the courage to listen to the siren song of your heart. Together we will define what you really want and what it looks like in your life. We will create an action plan to make your desires real.
The Pleasure Reset is an action-packed 3 month deep dive into your love life.
This is for you:
You are tired of being the ‘Strong One.”
You are not getting the results you want by trying to hack this on your own.
You want to experience joy and pleasure in your everyday life.
You want to remove the blocks to the love you desire.
You want to love the body you are in.
What to Expect:
Bi - weekly one hour coaching calls
Personalized exercises designed for your expansion and growth
Weekly check-ins on Monday and Friday to propel you into action
$2,997 (payment options available)
What People Are Saying
“It was easy to talk to Lidia and share about my past relationships as well as what I wanted to get this time around. I felt she really understood me and my situation. Her suggestions were very on point though it scared me to a certain extent to be so vocal and direct with the person I had just started seeing. Though after sharing with him as Lidia had coached me to do, I now see how having transparency allows for a kind of space of genuine communication that I haven't had in my previous relationships at such an early stage.
She is definitely good at what she does. I am continuing with Lidia to have the relationship I've been dreaming of actually happen!”
— Laurie H., Founder of Pediatric Dentist Practice
“Lidia was so easy to talk to, and really tapped into some underlying issues that were preventing me from achieving authenticity and growth in my business and personal life. She listened to me with an intuitive ear, and knew just what to focus on, just what questions to ask, to help me uncover a path to goal setting without fear. In just one session, I felt so much better about my own potential, and the following sessions were just as inspired. I highly recommend her as a life coach, motivational consultant, and all around generator of hope.”
— Amma W., Songwriter, Vocalist, Producer