You said you were getting back in the dating game.

You use an app, you go on a few uneventful dates, and declare “This isn’t for me.”

You go back in your favorite cocoon where you can lose your self in being busy - your career, your family, volunteering. It’s all important work. Sure, people following you on the ‘gram assume you having everything figured out. But do you regularly experience joy or pleasure? Are you going through the motions?

You are an inspiring bad-ass.

You also long for love and partnership.

You glance a little too long at happy couples walking with hands locked. You are on vacation, looking at the perfect sunset and all you could think of is ‘All I want is someone to share this moment with.’ You can rattle off a list of qualities you want in a partner. You know what you want and yet, love has been elusive. You have dated the same guy for the 100th time. Same guy, same type, same results. Sounds like a good idea at first, but after awhile, it ends for the same reason, like clockwork.

Imagine you are going out on dates where you are enjoying yourself.

Coffee dates easily flow into dinner. There is laughter, connection, and ease. You can be yourself - warts and all. You text your friends from the bathroom that may have found the ‘One.’

I see you rolling your eyes. I know, it seems like a far cry if your current reality of awkward dates that end early enough to catch Rachel Maddow, while you download yet another dating app.

It’s not the app.

You need a reset.

The Pleasure Reset is an action packed 6 week course where I will guide through a deep dive in your love life.

You will experience:

  • Power over your love story by getting to the root of your dating patterns

  • Fun and pleasure in dating in a way that works for your life

  • How to use feminine energy to ask for what you want from a partner

  • Renewal in creating new dating habits that empower you

  • The energy around you to manifest the relationship you want with ease

What to Expect:

  • Bi - weekly one hour coaching calls

  • Personalized exercises designed for your expansion and growth

  • Weekly check-ins on Monday and Friday to propel you into action


$1497 (payment options available)