Life hasn’t been working for longer than you would like to admit.

You know something is off, but you kept going and going and going. You have tried different things to ‘get the spark back’ and nothing is doing the trick. You talk about ‘getting back where you used to be’ all the time.

You look at old pictures of yourself and wish you could ‘get back’ to that person.

You’re in a rut - coffee, kids, work, home, kids’ homework, repeat. You know you want a shift, but you don’t know where to start.

And yet you know there is more. You know it’s possible to live joyously, but you question whether it’s really possible for you. You have tried being more disciplined, more positive, read more books and gotten on more dating apps. And yet none of it seems enough.

You know what you want. It’s what you think about first thing in the morning. Or when you let yourself dream. it’s what you keep locked in your heart, away from the possibility of being hurt and disappointed.

You want to feel alive.

You want to make a big impact in the world.

You want to feel confident in your own skin.

You want love and abundance.


What if you didn’t need to work harder? Or that you don’t need fixing?

Explore Customized Coaching

1 Hour Session + 30 Min. Celebratory Huddle

1 Hour Session + 30 Min. Celebratory Huddle

Do you have a burning question you would like clear guidance on? Are you tired of Google-ing and watching endless YouTube videos for THE answer? You want to listen to your gut feeling about your relationship, but don’t know what to do. Or maybe you need a boost to get back into dating after a hiatus.  

In 1 hour of laser focused coaching, you will get the clarity you need to take guided action. Put yourself at ease and eliminate the self doubt that keeps you stuck. Obtain personalized assignments tailored to create a breakthrough just for you. Attain what you need to create a continued shift in a 30 minute celebratory huddle. 

6 Weeks

6 Weeks

You’ve gone through a nasty breakup and your friends can’t even with you anymore. Or ‘your break’ from dating has seen the beginning and end of all your fav Netflix series. Let’s explore how you can have the pleasure you really want.

3 Months

3 Months

Life hasn’t been working longer than you care to admit - dating, your career, your relationships. You are going through the motions and you are over it. You feel lost and overwhelmed by it all. Dig into this transformational program that will create the power you desire.